Story by Marina Zhoya

The fisherman’s son took the little Oyster. “Father, will be glad!”, and he ran home.

“Daddy! Look! I’ve found such a valuable thing!”, the boy cried.

“What do you have there?”, the fisherman asked, “ A shell? An oyster? And?”

“ There is a pearl in it! We could sell it and buy some bread!”

The boy’s father looked again at the pearl and he said, “ It isn’t a pearl, it is only a grain. Throw it away, cause nobody will buy it.”

The boy threw the little Oyster with her secret- the Pearl. It fell on the sand, so far from the sea that the Wave couldn’t help her.

The Wind was blowing. The Sun went down and said goodbye to the seashore. And the Pearl continued to lay somewhere in the sand.

If you look for it, well, you may be able to find it. But nobody needs this little grain. Except for the little Oyster who ceased to exist, who doesn’t live anymore.

I don’t know who you are my dear reader, but whoever and where ever you are, you mustn’t only take care of yourself.

The Pearl