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Internet Center – User Terms


The HOBD Internet Center was created to meet the information needs of users, providing them free access to global information resources for learning, communication, intellectual and creative development.

All registered library patrons are welcome to use the IC, regardless of education, age, social status, political belief or religion.

Prior to joining the IC, registered library patrons must knowledgeable in Internet use. If the library patron already has sufficient training in Internet use, the IC Administrator may interview and grant permission immediately. Children under the age of eight years old are only permitted to work in the IC in the presence of his or her parents or guardians.


The general rules of the library also hold true in the IC.

Adult patrons should present a passport, become acquainted with the IC rules and complete the required form.

Children and adolescents under 16 years old must complete a form and obtain the signature of his or her parent or guardian. Parents or guardians will be held financially responsible for any damages the adolescent may cause to property or equipment in the IC. (Paragraph 3.1 "Model Regulations on the use of libraries in Ukraine" dated 25.05.2001).

After registration, library patrons will be given a “user ticket” with a photo (also referred to as a library card).
The user ticket will be given to the IC Administrator at the beginning and end of each session of use. Accounting of IC is a special project approved by the Director of Libraries.


IC operates within the library.

Duration of Sessions: one hour twice a week for users in fourth form or older; 30 minutes twice a week for children in third form and younger.

Library patrons may make appointments to use the IC for research projects. When a user exceeds his or her time allotment by more than five minutes, he or she will be asked to leave.


Appointments for IC use may be made in person or by telephone.

The IC, its computers and software are available free of charge under the rules of the library for library users.

The IC Administrator will be available during hours of operation to answer questions and provide instructions at no cost to users on conducting searches on the Internet. Library users may also attend an instructional course and/or receive individual instructions from the IC Administrator.

Copies of information from the Internet may be obtained at a reasonable fee with permission from the IC Administrator. See IC for rules regarding copies.

IC users may take advantage of all additional services offered by the library.


Users must give the IC Administrator his or her user ticket at the beginning of each session. If requested by the IC Administrator, users must provide information on the subjects to be searched or websites to be visited. Users will receive his or her user ticket back at the completion of each session.
Users must notify the IC Administrator of any problems, violations or errors received while conducting Internet searches.

Users must use care in using the property, hardware and software in the IC. All IC users are to speak respectfully with IC staff as well as other library staff and library patrons.

Users are liable for any property damages as in accordance to the laws of Ukraine. Parents, guardians and/or school/institutions will be held responsible in the event of such damages by minor adolescents.


Users are not permitted to download from the Internet unless they have permission form the IC Administrator. Users must provide his or her own CD, and the IC Administrator will burn the information form them.

Users should start, pause or close any websites themselves.

The IC computers should not be used for commercial activities such as the sale of goods, distribution, advertising of goods and services, etc.

The IC computers should not be used for any illegal activities such as the spread of the computer viruses or unauthorized access attempts on other computer networks. Anyone conducting such activities will be prohibited from using the IC computers.

Users shall not copy software protected by copyright laws or use and distribute prohibited materials.

The library has "filters" on the IC computers; regardless, users are not permitted to view sites that contain pornographic images or excessive violence. The IC Administrator reserves the right to stop any user attempting to access these sites.

Users may not make any changes to the settings on the IC computers or install any third-party software. Users should not talk loudly or interfere with other library patrons. No food or drink is permitted in the IC.

In the case of repeated violations of IC rules, the library reserves the right to prohibit the user the use of the IC computers for a specified period or indefinitely.

In the case of a user with insufficient knowledge in computer use, the IC Administrator has the right to deny services and recommend appropriate training.

The Library is not responsible for the content, accuracy or timeliness of information that users obtain from the Internet.

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The following are links to Websites with rules about Internet security :

Дата оновлення: 29.11.2009